Good Morning Everyone!
Well, it's official, winter is here and it's the shortest day of the year. We've reached that wonderful moment when the sun will slowly start hanging out just a little bit longer each day. I love winter! It has totally fueled my knitting compulsion for years, I have the sweaters to prove it. Each one holds memories of where I bought the yarn and where I was living at the time. I have sweaters going back to college, many from Colorado, and of course here. I'd never really thought about it until recently, when I opened up a drawer and discovered a pile of them from what seems like another lifetime. The memories just started flowing, I found my favorite Icelandic sweater I used to wear on those gorgeous, bluebird sky winter days in Breckenridge out hiking with my dogs.
Back then I was forced to work with what I had on hand a lot more than I am now. I can remember picking out the pattern, then start rummaging through my stash to see what I could come up with. Historically the Icelandic sweaters took 3 colors, 1MC and 2CC. I had plenty of MC but bits and pieces of leftovers for the color work, talk about a game of yarn chicken. The closest yarn shop at the time was almost 2 hours away in Denver which wasn't exactly convenient, I'm so spoiled now. As I worked with each color, it reminded me of all the different projects I'd knit using each of those yarns and who the recipient of each one was. To this day, that sweater is still one of my favorites simply because of the memories it holds. It's not my best work, the seams under the arms aren't great, but I rarely walk around with my arms up in the air anyway. Today seems like the perfect day to slip it on, the sun is out, the sky is blue, and Bernie has a play date with 2 of his brothers. I get to enjoy all of my favorite things, a warm wooly hand knit sweater, snow, sunshine and dogs, YAY!!!
We had our final KAL for the Marsali cardigan on Saturday, Robin and Carrie wore their's, mine was being modeled by my mannequin. Many are close to finishing up and some are not, which is completely fine. I am available for extra help and please feel free to continue joining us when we start the next KAL, "Pick Your Pattern by Jenn Steingass" on January 22nd 9-11:00. Many of you have already selected your pattern and a few have purchased the yarn, SO EXCITING!! I'm still undecided which pattern I want to do. I have yarn for the Fern and Feather, I bought it at Six Loose Ladies during last summer's Great Northern Yarn Haul. It just occured to me that I could kill 2 birds with one stone if I just knit that sweater, or use that yarn to knit the Avena, hmmmm that would bring my sweater count down to 10. I love it when the lightbulb goes off lol...the jury is still out, I have almost a month to decide what I want to do, I haven't received my latest Malabrigo order which likely will throw me a curveball. Decisions, decisions, it is awfully nice to have choices even when they seem impossible.
The shop will be open on Thursday from 10-5:00 and Friday 10-3:00 I am also available today and tomorrow by appointment. We decided last week not to gather for Stitch and Bitch tomorrow evening, we will be meeting next Wednesday, December 29th from 6-7:30, I hope you can join in the fun. Make it a great day, have a very Merry Christmas and I'll see you soon!