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Uh Oh, YO, YO....


Good Morning Everyone!

Well my staycation with Wanda and Kathleen has come to an end, I'm exhausted!!! 10 days of driving from one end of the state and back again on the quest for YARN, coupled with hours of gut wretching laughter, delcious food and wine, and hours of knit time has left me with lots of great memories, souvenirs and a couple extra pounds. Who could ask for much more? This was a much needed escape after months of pandemic mandated isolation, time with my girlfriends was the perfect antidote. And now I am burdened with adding TWO more beautiful sweaters to an already overwhelming list of projects that are in queue. Is this really a problem??? NOPE!! Now that I think about it, it's the perfect little carrot to dangle in front of my face to keep my knitting needles clicking. I have gotten much more disciplined in making myself finish a WIP before even thinking about winding the yarn for the next one.

That said, I'm frantically knitting away on my Admit, our next KAL starts on Saturday and I WILL be wearing it. Not exactly a lofty goal, I'm pretty much on the downhill slide, the back is almost finished. Now that I understand the combination of SSK, YO, RT, SSK, LT, K2TOG, drop marker crap, I shouldn't have any trouble with the front, "shouldn't" being the operative word. My projects never go smoothly, this one is no exception. So the three of us were sitting comfortably in Kathleen's livingroom and I hold up my beautiful Admit to show them my progress, proud as a peacock, when I notice a YO in the WRONG place, is perched several rows down, I have no idea how I didn't notice it before. NO LIFELINE of course, I ooze confidence when it comes to fixing mistakes, but this one is making me twitch a bit. I decide that I'm going to try and duplicate stitch that horrible gap, it's on the back, it will be fine. I do perform the small miracle and get that gap filled, looks pretty good. I hold it up to show them, they are not impressed, UGH! I decide it's time for me to go home and deal with it tomorrow when alcohol and lighting aren't a factor.

Sadly, it doesn't look any better in the light of day, here comes the fun, pulling it out without losing track of the stitch markers and where they will need to end up. Did I mention that the pattern involves moving the markers? Thankfully the Knitting Goddesses were sitting on my shoulder as I sat at Kathleen's table and unravelled it row by row. I have no idea how I figured out exactly where I was in the pattern, but I did and now it's perfect! It looks SOOOO much better without that weird repair in the center of my back, PHEW! What an absolute relief. I have successfully worked past the original snafu and am almost finished with the back, it's so pretty! I'm really excited to get this finished, washed and blocked. Be sure to stop by on Saturday, I'll be wearing it!

I hope you have all been able to get out and do some yarn hauling, I had a lot of fun going around and gathering more yarn to add to my stash. I've decided to knit a couple of sweaters designed by Jennifer Steingass, Forestland using KnittinBro DK in Oliver Twist and Coquettish and Fern and Feather using a fantastic Vermont yarn by Mt Ascutney Fibers. Stay tuned for the progress, I will likely be knitting about 3 new sweaters at once. The Schieffelin starts on Saturday, and I'm dying to get the Zeen Top started in Malabrigo's Silky Merino I'm hoping to cast it on before Saturday if all goes well with my Admit. I'll be flipping a coin to see which Steingass sweater gets cast on first....

I did receive a nice box full of Berroco's Dulce on Monday. My Donna Cowl is coming along nicely, I just have the top ribbing to finish. If you haven't seen it, you should, it's so cute and more importantly, soft! The yarn is a luscious blend of cotton, alpaca and wool and it's spun into a yarn that just dances with subtle colors, it's gorgeous!!! If you're looking for a new project, I've got the pattern booklets and lots of yarn, Amy Christoffers' Chiara is STUNNING! There is still time to pick out colors for the Schieffelin if you'd like to join our next KAL this Saturday 9-11:00.

We will be meeting tomorrow evening, Wednesday, from 6-7:30 for Stitch and Bitch at the shop, I hope you can join in the fun. Make it a great day and I hope to see you soon!




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