Good Morning Everyone!
Is there such a thing as too many projects? Is it normal to have your anxiety level slightly elevated by the thought of another project? I think for those of us who are constantly in a creative state of mind, the obvious answer is, NO. For me, I can easily get myself completely twitterpated with the thought of never being able to knit all the beautiful things. It happens several times a day when I see a new sweater design or when I get the latest Laine magazine or I see a friend who has cast on a new sweater. My mind is constantly juggling the sense of priority each project has in my mental queue. For example, I am currently working on our KAL, the Elise Pullover and my fourth Il Favorito Grande in Lang's Cloud. I was perfectly happy switching between the two projects until I received Berroco's Iris in the mail the other day. All of a sudden, I felt it was my due diligence to get this yarn onto my needles ASAP. Why? In all fairness to each of you, I'd like you to see just how beautiful this new yarn is, like most, it does nothing on the skein. I will sacrifice the Il Favorito Grande to start my Cinnamon Twist sweater, after swatching of course. And let's face it, I won't be needing a new bulky sweater more than two new lighter weight ones any time soon. Yes, I've just jinxed the arrival of Spring lol...I was going to swatch it last night after KA, but I wanted to watch my hockey game instead of my needles. The goal is to swatch it today so you can see it tomorrow evening at Stitch and Bitch. Always working on my day off....
I am very excited to announce my order from Thread and Maple will be arriving soon. In this order there is a gorgeous leather organizer along with a needle case designed specifically for Chiaogoo Shorties. I will let you know when it gets here, hoping it will be this week. I received my restock of Blue Sky Fibers Organic Cotton yesterday. I also received (4) bags of Vento, if you want it, you better get it, it's been discontinued, I've stashed yarn to knit Jennifer Steingass' The Harvester. Truth be told, I'm also eyeing the light pink because pink is apparently my thing now. If you haven't allowed yourself the luxury of knitting with this yarn, you need to. I received my order from Junction Fiber Mill, I did a restock of Making Tracks Lite. I absolutely loved knitting my Autumn Alpine by Caitlin Hunter with it, or you could pair it with The Exotic to knit Alpine Bloom. I will also be receiving the Modern Linen by Berroco later in the week. I restocked the Maker's Boards by Cocoknits, and have lots of new project bags and notions. I'm getting myself prepared for LOCAL YARN SHOP DAY which is April 26th, mark your calendar.
Speaking of marking your calendar, JULIE ASSELIN will be visiting the shop on Wednesday evening, MARCH 26TH during Stitch and Bitch. I am very excited to have her visit and to see more of her lovely yarns. I have knit 3 sweaters using her yarn, the first was Isabell Kraemer's Mabel, in Fino, the second was Pope Vergara's Bee Vest in Fino and Anatolia and of course, our last KAL, Morning Rituals in Boucle. If you want to wear your Morning Rituals that evening, I think that would be a great photo opportunity. No pressure if yours isn't finished, you could just bring it.
We are discussing the Spring Retreat, details to follow, but the dates are May 17th and 18th at Sue's Bed and Breakfast on beautiful Lake Champlain.
We will be meeting tomorrow evening, Wednesday 6-7:30 for Stitch and Bitch, I hope you can join in the fun. Make it a great day and I'll see you soon!