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Sink Or Swim...


Good Morning Everyone!

How are those gardens coming along? Weeds out? Plants planted? Mulch down? Me neither...I've managed to get 3 new shrubs planted, 1 garden raked, and 2 hanging baskets hung AND I already almost fried one of them, UGH!! In my defense, it's not supposed to be 87 degrees in the middle of May here, thank-you Mother Nature. I suppose it has much to do with being an untrusting Vermonter, summer doesn't get here until the 4th of July. We could still have a blizzard before the end of May, and June may as well be a red headed step child. I will admit, most of my time has been spent knitting beautiful sweaters, not a bad gig. I did, however, manage to fill an entire canister with dog hair yesterday when I vacuumed for 30 seconds, such an accomplishment. I stop when the canister is full, that's my rule, which explains the condition of my house and the air quality, I have houseplants for a reason...

During my recent visit with Andra, the day I spent millions of dollars, it was brought to my attention (by her) that she had been TALKING ABOUT ME!!! Seriously?? With another yarn shop owner, the nerve, and it wasn't about my wonderfulness, can you believe this?? Instead, it had to do with my approach to knitting which she dubbed "swimming in the deep end versus kiddie pool" knitting. What came to mind, almost immediately, was that feeling of arms and legs flailing in the deep end trying to stay afloat versus the comfort of the shallow end where you simply put your feet down and relax. Then it occured to me, that really, my entire personality has evolved from constantly being out of my comfort zone and the deep end is in fact my "safe place." My entire childhood upbringing was based on sink or swim, you really can't depend on anyone but yourself. This would completely explain my crazy solutions to all of my knitting issues and the lengths I will go to in order to make it work, come hell or high water (Intarsia). I don't trust anything that comes easily, I'm always waiting for the hammer to drop, what's the catch? In my mind anything worth having or accomplishing requires work, lots of it. Mindless knitting for me is involved, cables, short rows, and counting, keeping my mind engaged and my hands constantly moving. I'm really only content knitting the thousands of stitches in the body of a sweater when I'm mentally exhausted or blabbing on Zoom with Wanda and Kathleen. There has to be a major distraction for me to allow myself to relax and just knit, I've known for awhile I'm crazy. Some would view this as making it more difficult than need be, for me, I'm just better in the deep end.

We had a lovely time this past Saturday for KAL, SO MANY BEAUTIFUL SWEATERS!!! I brought my Fleurine but didn't dare work on it, there was too much talking to do and too much to see. I worked on Addie's Sipila, which is coming along nicely. Even though I'm at the part I dread the most, it does serve a purpose and allows me to mentally relax and talk up a storm. It is worth mentioning that I discovered a dropped stitch waving at me, never a dull moment. Berroco sent me the yarn for one of my Fall samples called Vento, I passed it around where it received a very warm welcome. It is so beautiful and SOFT!!! It's a blend of alpaca, merino and acrylic, the pattern support is lovely, I'll be knitting a sassy little vest in my signature color, GREEN (I couldn't resist). I also restocked the Remix Chunky and had a major epiphany while hauling out the rest of my summer sweaters. Do you remember a yarn called Estiva? It was a cotton, tape, ombre yarn Berroco offered 3 years ago. Well, the pattern support is gorgeous, I knit the Soca top in a weekend while watching Tiger Woods win the Masters, SUPER FUN PROJECT AND QUICK! So if you're looking for a quick summer project, take a look at Remix Chunky, I have a copy of the Estiva booklet or all of the patterns are available on Berroco's website.

I have lots to do today, mostly knitting, but before I get to that, Addie has requested whoopie pies for her 18th birthday which is THURSDAY!!! I can't believe she's 18 and going off to UVM...I've got a little baking to do, gifts to wrap and sun to soak up, going to be a rough day. We will be meeting tomorrow evening from 6-7:30 for Stitch and Bitch, I hope you can join in the fun. Make it a great day and I'll see you soon!




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