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Signs Of Spring...


Good Morning Everyone!

Here in Vermont, we're pretty lucky, the first sign of Spring is when the maple trees get tapped and decorated with buckets. If you time it right, and the sun just happens to be out, you can hear the rythmic tap of the sap as it fills the bucket. I realize this method of collection is rapidly disappearing, but it is so nostalgic to see. A reminder of the many reasons I do love Vermont, cheese is another lol...

With this bright thing shining in the sky for more than 4 hours a day now, I've already starting switching gears in the shop. The mannequins are getting a wardrobe change and more exciting, NEW YARN!!! I have received (and put away) 3 huge boxes of yarn, yes Carrie helped. Berroco surprised me by sending almost all of the colors of Tillie I'd ordered, YAY!! Tillie is a luxurious hand-dyed pima cotton and cupro blend. " What's cupro?" you ask. It's a sustainable silk-like byproduct of cotton processing. Wait until you see what it does to cotton, so rich!! The pattern support is lovely, there's a twin set called Melle I'd love to knit, the problem is picking out which color, I can't decide!! I also ordered the Seaspun which is Berroco's newest recycled yarn to join the family. It's 50% cotton and 50% Seaqual polyester which is made from reclaimed plastic from the ocean. The colors are beachy and summery, wait until you see the Tasman top!! Mine is currently rolled up in a towel waiting to be blocked, which will happen right after I finish this.

I also did a restock of Malabrigo Rios, there are some new colors and many of our favorites, it's not too late to cast on a winter sweater, we're not done yet. I say this for lots of reasons, mostly because I've never trusted that damn ground hog AND the years I spent as a child wearing an Easter dress that was not designed to be worn in Vermont in March or April. I'm almost finished with the bottom of my Kate Pullover in Talara, this cozy Baby Llama yarn has been taunting me since last Fall. Because it calls for a larger needle, it has incredible drape and knits up to a lightweight, squishy fabric. It's going to be the perfect transitional sweater, it's not heavy but it's warm. I'm still offering what's in stock at 20% off, what a great deal!!!!

My Wisdom of the Moon Shawl is completely finished, she's coming off the blocking mats momentarily. I'm not much of a shawl person, but this one is just beautiful and despite the chart, was interesting to knit. I reaquainted myself with knitting colorwork flat, learned how to create a Latvian braid and a different technique of an I-cord bind off, WIN, WIN, WIN! A gentle reminder that the purpose of doing a KAL is to learn something new. Sometimes it's a technique, sometimes it's PATIENCE...I'll have the shawl in the shop so you can see it. I'm also trying to get an accurate head count for those making the shawl. I have a special surprise for you courtesy of Carrie and Rob....

I have a few announcements to make, nothing earth shattering, but things you'll want to know. I have an order coming from Fox and Pine, it will be here Thursday. A brand new selection of the point protectors we've all grown to LOVE AND the best looking darning needle cases I've ever seen. They are made of wood and will safely store your yarn needles, at least the ones that don't find their way into the sofa cushions. I'm working on the details for the upcoming trunk show (ALL DAY SATURDAY APRIL 6TH), this is going to be amazing and fun! I'm putting together some special items for the event that also happen to be Eclipse themed. I will have limited quantities and everything will be first come first served. I have a few friends interested in ordering some bags from Atenti, YAY! I would suggest you follow them on Instagram or Facebook to view the latest fabric designs @atentibags. You can also take a look at their website I have access to their entire line on my retailers website, designs they only offer to their brick and mortar customers to sell. If you're interested, stop by and we'll take a look. Lastly, if you're looking for another fantastic resource, I would highly recommend signing up for Tin Can Knits newsletter and downloading their newly available app

Mark your calendar, April 6th Trunk Show ALL DAY and April 27th LOCAL YARN SHOP DAY. We will be meeting tomorrow evening, Wednesday 6-7:30 for Stitch and Bitch. It has been extremely well attended and words can't express how happy this makes me. I will always have room, so come join in the fun. Make it a great day and I'll see you soon!




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