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Good Morning Everyone!

What can I say? The Retreat was absolutely AWESOME!!! It was like Stitch and Bitch on steroids. Before I get in too deep, A BIG THANK-YOU TO CARRIE & SUE aka SUSAN for everything they did to make the weekend as wonderful as it was. I felt completely shoved out of my comfort zone when Carrie mentioned it to me months ago. Of course she was prepared for the look on my face when she said, "Don't worry, I've already discussed it with Susan." Guess there was no point getting my panties in a twist, like everything else Carrie's suggests, she's already thought about the details. We weren't even halfway through the first day when there was talk about doing it again next year. mark your calendars, it's May 17th & 18th...All of my fears of failure were promptly laid to rest, the Chocolate Martinis Carla was shaking up didn't hurt either.

Thankfully the weather cooperated, but what I came to realize was, the worst thing that could possibly happen was being forced to sit in a gorgeous location next to the lake. If I actually ran out of things to say (insert huge guffaw) we'd all be stuck knitting or crocheting like we do on Wednesday evening. The best part, for me, was watching everyone mingling and chatting, by day two, the name tags were gone. We were able to help Emma celebrate her birthday, Kathleen brought her a sparkly tiara (yes, I was jealous) which she proudly sported ALL WEEKEND. I, of course, refused to be outshined, I decided to work on my Love Note sweater which glittered in the sun with all those Paillettes. I am heading to sleeve island today, it's definitely going to be a glider day. I spent yesterday cutting down mini trees and weed whacking, my arms are sore, but not too sore to knit, NO SUCH THING!!!

We decided on the next KAL, I am excited to announce we have all fallen victim to knitting Emotional Support Chickens. Of course I think this is the dumbest thing ever but my FOMO grasped me and I JUST HAVE TO HAVE ONE!!! Mine is going to be adorable!!! I've decided to use the leftover Lamb's Pride worsted from my steeked sweater, she's going to be bright orange with bright contrast colors. Our next KAL is scheduled for this weekend, yes, I know it's Memorial Day weekend, but my dumb boss makes me work on Saturdays so I'll be around. Here are the links for the knit and crochet versions It could be lots of fun to do a yarn swap, so bring your odds and ends on Saturday. DO NOT FREAK OUT IF YOU CAN'T MAKE IT. Like everything else I do, you can jump in and join whenever. We'll be working on them for the summer, I figured a small, easy project would be nice to do before we are forced to wrap our minds around the Morning Ritual sweater this Fall.

We are making plans to go to Needles in a Haystack on Sunday, June 2nd. If you would like to be included in either a carpool or caravan, let me know. I've even convinced Andra to come along for the ride. Here is the link, it's about a 2 hours drive The dates for the Great Northern Yarn Haul have been announced, July 5th-August 4th I need to order bags, let me know if you're interested in 'participating. For those of you who have been patiently waiting for your yarn from the Woolerton Estate Trunk Show, IT'S HERE!!! Lastly, we will be meeting for Stitch and Bitch tomorrow evening, Wednesday 6-7:30 OUTSIDE!!! Bring a chair and bug spray, it's going to be so much fun! Make it a great day and I'll see you soon!




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