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Look But Don't Touch...

Good Morning Everyone!

The look on that sheep's face says it all, I think he'd had enough fun by Sunday. If you didn't have a spectacular weekend, then it's simply your own fault lol. This gorgeous Fall weather provided the perfect backdrop for the VT Sheep and Wool Festival, two glorious days of sunshine! My biggest disappointment was the Maple Sugar Shack was closed because they had completely sold out on Saturday, I had my little heart set on a maple milkshake. I did survive by managing to find a delicious scoop of Heath Bar Crunch ice cream to satiate my sweet tooth. The most amazing feat was, I DID NOT BUY ANY YARN!!! It's a first for sure, but on my list was a new piece of Brown Bunny pottery, got two, this year's T-shirt, got it, and possibly a new sheep skin, nope, my guy only had three left... I did manage to buy a new set of felted alpaca footbeds for my boots, can't have too many of those. I also found a new vendor that was selling beautiful shawl pins and fiber themed jewelry. The necklace I purchased from her has the same "word" on it as the Morse Code bracelet Carrie bought me. I have no idea why anyone considers knitters innocent little old ladies, I'm busting that stereotype lol, I'm just old...All and all a great day, I saw lots of people I knew and met several along the way. My Autumn Alpine sweater was a hit and received lots of compliments.

I am so excited to show you the progress I've made on my Bee Vest, IT IS SO CUTE!!!! I haven't knit with beads in several years, it's not a speedy process, but the result is definitely worth the effort. I'm using Julie Asselin's Fino and Anatolia in Saffron, it looks amazing! My bees are going to look extremely realistic, they are black and gold, simply adorable, and that beadwork POPS. I'm hoping to have at least the first repeat finished before Stitch and Bitch tomorrow night. If I don't, it's because I've been pulled down the rabbit hole knitting on my Halibut Hat by Caitlin Hunter. I know the Madelinetosh, Tosh DK looks beautiful on the hank, but I feel I need to have a shop sample (I am so considerate). I cast the hat on last night at Carla's house (without twisting) and am cruising along, it's really pretty. That yarn is super soft and will make fantastic anythings lol...Andra suggested I buy it with the intention of using it for accessories to see how you all would like it. Let me tell you, it is delightful to work with, I invite you to pick up a couple of hanks and give it a try. I have suggestions for projects if you need help.

My Morning Rituals is progressing slowly, it happens when I start the juggling act. I think that Mary is leading the pack and by now she may be working on the sleeves. Michele had some hiccups but seems to have found her groove and was past the cabled ribbing section. Carla's is coming along finally, she only started it maybe 11 or 21 times, her words, not mine. It's not a race, I love seeing everyone's progress and more importantly how the colors look knit up. I was a bit concerned that the stitch definition would be lost in the Boucle, but it isn't. It's certainly not as defined as a plied yarn with crisp stitch definition, but she didn't design it to look that way. Needless to say, I love how this yarn knits up and cannot wait to slip it on, I don't have any other sweaters that compare. Makes sense, I've never knit with boucle before, it's going to be a welcomed addition to my collection.

I've been asked about this year's Advent Calendar Boxes, Sandy and Sue already signed up!! I am finishing up the details and will let you know how much they will be. Carrie and I have been busy little bees, all I can say is they are the best ones yet!! We really have found some adorable items and the theme is SO CUTE!!!!! I will have 20 available, and at this point I have 18, I'm finishing up the final details and will let you know soon.

We will be meeting tomorrow evening, Wednesday 6-7:30, for Stitch and Bitch. I will have folding chairs set up in an effort to fit more of us in the shop. Do bring your folding chair, just in case, but if there are seats available, please use those first. Make it a great day and I hope to see you soon!


P.S. Don't forget, Monday, October 14th we have Knitter's Anonymous at Carla's from 4:00-?? Mary is bringing dessert, bring something to share, but not to feed an army lol....

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