Good Morning Everyone!
Isn't it just fabulous seeing the sun? Bernie and I had a refreshing walk at Hard'ack. I love the color of the buds and moss this time of the year, it matches the green in my Manarola sweater perfectly! Just you wait and see how nicely that is coming along, I made some progress yesterday, it's so pretty. I finished the color work on my Drawing Sweater, so now I'm knitting a sea of beige alpaca (Wanda's favorite) which is rather boring, but it is so soft! I cannot wait to slip it on, I simply love how alpaca feels. Since it is Vermont, I may still be able to wear it before next Fall, it does snow in May. Regardless of the weather, I am anxious to finish it so I can try it on.
We had a nice group on Saturday for KAL, everyone's sweater is coming along nicely. Robin brought hers for Show and Tell, it's absolutely GORGEOUS! Truth be told, my favorite one is Paula's, she selected Renew in Light Pink and Gray. Although Sandy's is extremely eye catching, she used Rios in Denim and Magenta. Honestly, they're all pretty, it's fun to see the flowers come to life. This has been a fun KAL, I've never knit color work that was so random, the result is really unique. 99% of yoke sweaters designed are rather geometric which in turn makes it incredibly easy to memorize the color sequence and spot a mistake. The Drawing Sweater kept me on my toes, especially when I figured out why I kept getting stuck on row 61. I was missing the first few stitches of the chart, it got cut off when I printed it. As if it wasn't challenging enough working 4 different pages of charts, I added 2 more so I could see the section I was missing. Needless to say, I'm thrilled to be finished with the color work until it's time to do the sleeves.
I have a few announcements to make, the first is, LOCAL YARN SHOP DAY IS SATURDAY APRIL 29TH!!! The fun will start at 10:00 and go ALL DAY LONG!!! I've special ordered tasty treats from Red House Sweets, there are prizes to be won, and FREE patterns with yarn purchase from Berroco and Casapinka. It looks like the weather is going to cooperate, so if you want to bring your knitting and hang out, that would be terrific. I honestly feel like every day is local yarn shop day and I have YOU to thank for it. I absolutely love my shop and the wonderful people I've been lucky enough to get to know through the years, I COULDN'T DO IT WITHOUT YOU!!! I hope you will come visit me on Saturday so we can celebrate our love of yarn and friendship. The second announcement is, ANDRA IS COMING MAY 24TH!!! Put it in your calendar!!! She has graciously agreed to join us for Stitch and Bitch that evening, she'll have a trunk show of goodies with her of which you'll be able to try on. I'm so excited that she was able to organize her schedule and make this work. She's a wealth of information and best of all, A LOT OF FUN. One more tidbit just to tease you, Carrie and I have figured out the Advent Calendar boxes ALREADY!! Wanda started in on me during our last Zoom, she's already preordered one, and suggested I get on it. Carrie was 2 steps ahead of me as usual when I mentioned it. Stay tuned, this one is so stupid cute I can't stand it!!! Here's a hint, there's a theme and it will be a finished project and NONE OF YOU HAVE ONE....I hope I've instilled a serious case of FOMO lol.
We will be meeting tomorrow evening, Wednesday, for Stitch and Bitch from 6-7:30 I hope you can join in the fun (it's been extremely popular, YAY!) Make it a great day and I'll see you soon!