Good Morning Everyone!
Let me start by saying a heartfelt thanks of appreciation to everyone of you who stopped by on Saturday for LYS day, WOW!!! It was such a wonderful show of support and reminded me just how lucky I am to be a part of this community. I love what I do and wouldn't have near as much fun or joy doing it without you. I don't have customers, I have friends, it makes such a difference to me. I truly am fortunate and my business reflects just how special my shop is, thank-you for your support, friendship, and most of all, letting me be me..
I finished my Marsh sweater, it's blocked and ready to be seamed. The back of it is just beautiful, I can't wait to wear it. If the forecast is correct, Saturday should be the perfect day. I'll get it put together today and bring it to Stitch and Bitch tomorrow night for a little show and tell. This of course is forcing me back to my procrastinknitting project, the Fleurine. Ahhh yes, Fleurine you little temptress of my patience, how I've missed you. What I didn't realize is the super fun macrame workshop I attended this past weekend was going to mentally prep me for dealing with bobbin work. The project I worked on had 32, 30 foot lengths of cord hanging precariously from a dowel, every cat's dream. It hadn't really occured to me exactly how I'd be managing knot tying with the excess hanging there. You guessed it, you wind each one up into a bobbin. Oddly, they function very much like the ones I have attached to my Fleurine. You give it a little pull when you need to release more length, seems simple enough.
I had lots of practice getting used to working with so many bobbins, I'm completely proficient in the art of knot tying, which is counterintuitive to my knitting, knots are "knot" my friend (ha, couldn't resist). It's a good thing to because the wind was completely sucked out of my sails within 30 seconds of picking up my Fleurine. I had my pattern laid out on my new Maker's Board, my new row counter adhered, highlighter tape in place, ready to work row 4. I start purling across, ready to grab my bobbin and the count is wrong, here we go again. It takes me a few minutes to investigate and figure out the blunder, you guessed it, ROW @#$%&! ONE was missing one stitch of colorwork which of course threw off the next 2. Mind you, I wasn't very far, it's just a flower, there's room for interpretation and a little "creativity" right? I thought about ignoring it, but my gut kind of sank to the point that I felt it wasn't a good idea to continue. Like most things in life, ignoring a mistake often times makes things worse than just dealing with it from the get go. I pulled it out and am in the process of putting in my new best friend, STITCH MARKERS!!! What a concept, lol...I've also marked up the chart indicating each stitch marker's place, should be idiot proof now, stay tuned.
A little update, the rulers and row keepers for the Maker's Boards are back in stock, they should be arriving on Thursday. I also ordered 10 new colors of Malabrigo's Silky Merino, which is an absolute delight to work with! I knit my Zeen Top last Spring with it, the drape is lovely and it's so soft. If you're not interested in a sweater, Malabrigo offered a free cowl pattern for LYS day that features Silky Merino, I have the pattern and am happy to share it. Many of you are already knitting for Christmas, this cowl would make a beautiful gift. I can't wait for you to see the gorgeous new colors I have coming!!!
We will be meeting tomorrow evening from 6-7:30 for Stitch and Bitch, I hope you can join in the fun! Make it a great day and I'll see you soon!