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Emotional Support...

Good Morning Everyone!!

WHERE TO START??? Last week was so amazingly busy and fun!! Andra visited during Stitch and Bitch, she brought along her beautiful Trunk Show of sweaters. The weather wasn't exactly cooperating, it was a tad chilly so we crammed inside the shop. It didn't take long to realize we couldn't fit all 28 of us and a garment rack comfortably. We relocated into the parlor, yes, I have a parlor lol, and then the fun began. Amanda was a wonderful model, everything looked gorgeous on her, especially the raspberry mohair pullover, ooh, la, la!! It was a lot of fun, thank-you to everyone who attended, and a BIG THANK-YOU TO ANDRA!!!

In case you haven't heard about the incredible success the Broodhaha was, let me just tell you. I'm still so blown away by the entire experience, it's difficult to put into words how wonderful the evening was. The final tally of Chickens was 156, every single one of them received a new home. Miss Beadle, who was created by my friend Chris, generated $505 in bids!!! I met the winner of Skittles, she was so excited she'd won her, it really made me feel good knowing she was so happy. I have no idea where Dixie Chick went, but judging from the fine folks who were there to claim them, she's in a good home. I loved watching the smile on people's faces when they picked up their chickens. The best part of the evening was being on stage when the recipients of the donations, Tim's House and Martha's Community Kitchen, were presented with the checks, $5,500.00 EACH!!! The look on Ben & Bob's faces was priceless, my heart was full. It was a reminder of how much good there is in our community, and the proof was very evident Friday evening. It does take a village and when we work together, great things happen. So thank-you to each and every one of you who helped make this such a success. You can feel good knowing that the money will be used to help those truly in need, those that are seeking help and are appreciative.

Saturday morning we had KAL, we officially started our Morning Rituals sweaters. Mary brought 2 dozen delicious doughnuts from Quality Bakeshop in Essex, OMG I ATE TWO OF THEM, BOTH CREAM FILLED!!! I was on such a sugar high I didn't realize my cast-on was twisted. I didn't even realize it after Marvin decided to CHEW the skein of yarn that was attached to my sweater. I swear that cat came extremely close to using up his last life. He didn't try to hide what he'd done either. I found him lying underneath my chair at the scene of the crime, the yarn was draped across his back. I thought maybe he was caught, NOPE. I picked up the yarn and discovered the end was chewed and my sweater was no longer attached, @#%^&! cat!!! I'd like to believe he was trying to tell me something, but his personality simply doesn't afford that level of awareness or care. Bernie, on the other hand, could sense my level of distraught and came over to offer his sweet face as comfort. He sat on the porch with me as I pulled my needles out and started again, such a good boy. I'm on row 6, I've figured out an easy way to keep track of the two different rows of cabling that will be happening. There was much discussion on this topic Saturday morning, I was getting confused and decided I'd done more than enough cabling, I'd figure out my method. If you're interested, I'll share my tip.

Vermont Sheep and Wool is happening this weekend!!! I finished my Autumn Alpine in plenty of time to wear, but I think it's going to be too warm, UGH!! I'd rather that than cold and rainy, but I wanted to parade around in it because it's just so BEAUTIFUL. I am going to bring it with me so Peggy and Amanda from Junction Fiber Mill can see it. I will be getting my order from them this week, Makayla and Donna, your yarn will be here soon. If you want to go to Sheep and Wool, there are several of us caravaning on Sunday, let me know if you're planning to come along. We'll probably leave around 8:00ish??? from my house. Not sure, we haven't discussed the final plan. At any rate, the more the merrier. If you're looking for a new project, did you see that Jenn Steingass' latest pattern was just released?? Carrie's been texting me already, I did see an email, here's the link

We will be meeting tomorrow evening, Wednesday 6-7:30, for Stitch and Bitch I hope you can join in the fun. Make it a great day and I'll see you soon!


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