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Can You Feel It?


Good Morning Everyone!

I feel it's safe to say the dog days of summer are behind us, no love loss here. There are 12 more days until the Autumnal Equinox and it will be officially Fall, my favorite season. The signs have been subtle, but present, days are getting shorter, leaves are turning and even dropping. It actually snowed at Jay Peak yesterday, I am not ready for snow....Experts are predicting an extremely vibrant foliage season, I cannot wait to see Mother Nature's show.

My sweater collection continues to grow, shocking, I know. My latest creations are on display in the shop, the Tresse by Isabell Kraemer and Windrock by Mary Jane Mucklestone. Have you seen them yet? Soon to join them will be my Autumn Bloom by Caitlin Hunter, I'm almost heading for sleeve island. The goal is to have it finished before we cast on the Morning Rituals KAL September 28th, this is very achievable. I have been dedicating all of my time on this beauty, my right pointer finger has borne the brunt of this. I am now sporting a very cool tie dyed band aid to prevent further damage. It could have easily been avoided had I not been too lazy to get up when it was becoming evident I was inflicting pain (when will I learn?). I do love my Chiaogoo needles, those pointy tips not only easily glide through the stitches, they can also effortlessly shred a callous. At least I have a buffered reminder of my dedication to my work when that needle intermittently finds that spot, borderline martyr, my Mimi would be proud.

Andra will be bringing an incredible Trunk Show on Wednesday, September 25th during Stitch and Bitch. She has sent me the list of garments, this is an amazing opportunity to see how the new yarns for the season knit up. She will have garments in yarns I don't stock but can have drop shipped to you. Please take advantage of this incredible occasion to see the complete line up of fabulous fibers. I have learned that a skein of yarn looks completely different when it is made into something. You certainly can't judge a book by it's cover and you shouldn't judge a yarn by how it looks sitting on a shelf. I hope you will come join in an evening of fun, it's your chance to see some beautiful new yarns and garments.

My friend Carla has offered to host an additional evening, once a month, to knit and crochet. We have dubbed it Knitter's Anonymous due to to fact that we have an addiction to yarn, and let's face it, there's safety in numbers lol. We have chosen the second Monday of each month to gather at her home located at 1334 Middle Road in Colchester. We will be meeting this Monday, September 16th, you can arrive anytime after 4:00, please bring an appetizer/dish to share since we'll be there during supper time. We can coordinate a carpool from my house or arrange to pick you up. Let me know if you're interested in going.

We will be meeting tomorrow evening, Wednesday 6-7:30, for Stitch and Bitch, I hope you can join in the fun. Last week during S&B, Kay asked about a Make Along for Crochet, she'd like to do a project as a group. Please put some thought behind this, I have a few ideas, let me know if you're interested.

Make it a great day and I'll see you soon!!



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Interested in the Crochet a Long if I can do it remotely from PA!

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