Good Morning Everyone!!
How in the world did it get to be July already? I'm cringing, mostly because there are these weirdos in our world who are already starting to think about Christmas!! OMG, I hate these people, it's not even July 4th yet, but I will tell you, there are 176 days until Christmas. Have you started your holiday knitting/crocheting yet? Hate me all you want, it's really Carrie's fault. She not only found the cutest project called Knitmas in July 2024, I'm pretty sure she has this year's Advent Calendar boxes figured out. The plan is to put together some kits for Knitmas in July in preparation of the Great Northern Yarn Haul that is starting this Friday, July 5th. I have passports printed, the project bags are FREE with a minimum purchase of $25, quantities are limited. If you are interested in going on the annual What A Yarn Yarn Haul adventure, we'll be taking our field trip on Wednesday, July 24th. We will be back in time for Stitch and Bitch, plan on leaving from my house around 9:00. Let me know if you're interested in attending, Carrie has offered to load up her mini van.
There continues to be a lot of clucking going on with our Emotional Support Chicken campaign. I am very proud to be part of a community that cares so much about community. I remain overwhelmed by the number of people who have reached out to willing to lend their support. Thanks to Carrie, I do have the safety eyes available in 6 different colors. I am almost finished with my second Chicken, she's extremely colorful and is going to be adorable. I could have easily had her finished, but the procrastiknitter in me has taken over my knitting needles. The deadline to have them completed is August 23rd, mine will stay on display in my shop along with several of her "peeps." I have well over a month (and will likely crank out another one) I figured I could devote some time working on my Tresse pullover and then swatch for my Morning Rituals pullover. Does anyone else think along those lines? Just how many projects can I have going all at the same time before I go a bit crazy? I swear it's what keeps my sanity. My thought is if I have several going, I'll finish them faster than doing one at a time. I know it's probably not true,but for me, it is the big orange carrot that dangles in front of me. I get bored easily, for some reason I believe I can accomplish more when I juggle several projects. I need diversity to remain motivated. Speaking of orange, my Forest Light Jenn Steingass sweater is moving up the queue, just you wait!!
The BIG NEWS OF THE WEEK, DRUMROLL, PLEASE: My order from Woolerton Estate Yarns arrived yesterday! I finally have some new fingering weight yarn, it is beautiful! I used it to knit my Alpine Bloom sweater, it would also make a gorgeous Mabel cardigan. It lends itself to a summer sweater, but honestly, it creates a lovely fabric that can easily be worn year round. It is a blend of alpaca, silk and linen, so drapey and luxurious. If you need some help finding a pattern to use, I can help. I also have restocked my What A Yarn project bags. They are the perfect size to keep your project safe when you're not working on it. Rob is working on some new needle gauges, I'll likely have them this week if Carrie is doing her job lol.
I think I've hit all the highlights, it's going to be a lovely week, I hope you can enjoy some time outside with your knitting. We will be meeting tomorrow evening, Wednesday 6-7:30, for Stitch and Bitch, I hope you can join in the fun. I will be closed, Thursday, July 4th but if you need me, I can likely help you out. Make it a great day and I'll see you soon!